Tips on defining the Sales Price for EV Charging station rentals 💡

One of the questions most users ask is: "How much should I charge for using my EV chargers?" Indeed, setting the sales price is one of the most important decisions that everyone selling something needs to take. And the "how much" question doesn't have an easy answer , regardless of the business or activity.... In this article we will try to shed some light on this topic so that you can set the best price for the usage of your charging stations. Or at least, to have some sort of logical rationale behind it 😉. Before we continue, we need to write a disclaimer: regardless of the tips we share with you in this post, or the suggestion you got from your uncle - or from that guy at work, please remember that in Killswitch you have the freedom to set your sales price freely, meaning the ultimate decision is... on you 🤑. Now going to the point: There are many strategies in defining the sales price for a product or service. From the simple "sales ...